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Liberty Oak Chorus 

Spain 2025 FAQ

Q - Can I pay by Check, what other payment options are there?

A - YES.

You may pay by cash (In Person ONLY), check or online via credit card.  Please make checks payable to Maestro Tours and Productions, put Tour name and date in the notes section of the check. Mail checks to Maestro Tours and Productions c/o Jack Pinto 133 Sparrow Drive Hamilton NJ, 08690

Q - Q - Is there a packing list template?

A - YES - Click HERE for Packing List Template

Q - If I have to cancel are there cancellation penalties?

A - YES.

The initial deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE if you cancel.

Here is a table of penalties based on time of cancellation:

10% per person, of total tour costs ................... Penalty Begins:

25% per person, of total tour costs ................... Penalty Begins:

50% per person, of total tour costs ................... Penalty Begins:

100% per person, of total tour costs ................. Penalty Begins:

PLEASE NOTE: Amount penalized is % of the total tour cost, not % of what has already been paid.

Q - Should I bring my vaccination card with me on the trip?

A - We STRONGLY recommend you bring your vaccination card with you.   We also recommend you take a picture of the card and keep it handy on your phone.

Q - Where can I get information about carry on Luggage rules?

A - Click HERE for TSA and Airline carry on baggage information

Q - Should I get Travel Insurance?

A - There is NO travel insurance included in the price.   If you wish to have travel insurance you must purchase it separately on your own.  Here are 3 companies I spoke to that you can check in with about travel insurance or feel free to research and use whoever you feel is the best.




Q - Will I need a power adapter to plug in devices in?

A - Yes you will.   Click Here for suggested adapters on

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